
An amazing way to preserve thought throughout time and communicate today's issues for all to see tomorrow. What you write today may be studied 1,000 years from now for not only its content but how you communicated it.

Friday, June 8, 2012

A few neat name plates

Here are two different name plates, the larger L and T were done a number of months back before I had my monogram brush so the white lines came out thicker than I would have liked.  Now I know better and the next ones I did on the M and M show the difference.  You can really see how light reflects off raised gold gilding on the finished pieces.

I did the following before I knew how to do raised gilding or I would have done it that way.  You'll notice the white lines are thicker then the above photo's as I didn't have a good pointed brushed back then.

It may be a few months before I post another blog due to being very busy for a two or three months.  Do check out this manuscript It was likely created between 1455-1464.  If you follow the link it will bring you to the full record about it.