
An amazing way to preserve thought throughout time and communicate today's issues for all to see tomorrow. What you write today may be studied 1,000 years from now for not only its content but how you communicated it.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A wedding pronouncement

A completed wedding pronouncement

Completed using Canson natrual parchment, freehanded celtic letters, water colors, water blending medium(windsor newton) to slow the drying time of the water colors, uncial hand lettering, versals with gold ink and a lot of patience.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A simple thank you card incorporating decorated lettering.  The hand lettering is uncial/half uncial, 2.0MM nib. Free handed the drawing and painted in, the tale is down with gold copper plate.  Added sealing wax with a stamp design for a personalized touch.