
An amazing way to preserve thought throughout time and communicate today's issues for all to see tomorrow. What you write today may be studied 1,000 years from now for not only its content but how you communicated it.

Monday, March 26, 2012

A class with Rosemary Buzcek

Recently I took a class with renowned Lettering Artist Rosemary Buczek. Please visit her website The Gilded Quill which is professional and well done. She has two instructional videos, that are well worth the investment and you can find them here or at John Neal Bookseller. Her work is master level and she is a Master Penman Engrosser.

She taught the group this past weekend the technique of applying gold to the paper(gilding), how to create decorated letters and acanthus leaves using water colors. This instructor has the heart of a teacher and communicated her abilities to each of us effectively. This is clearly seen in each person’s work. All the students had the same print that was pre written and outlined. All of ours is slightly different as we mixed our own colors and added our own decorations.

I recommend her class for anyone looking to improve their decorated lettering ability and look forward to taking her other class; A Master Class in Illumination.